Hemorrhoid Banding

It is reported that 75% of adults will experience hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. Interestingly, it seems that men are more likely to seek treatment for their hemorrhoids than women, yet women are as likely to develop hemorrhoids as men.

There are many causes of hemorrhoids, including:

  • Chronic constipation
  • Diet, particularly lack of fiber
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Obesity
  • Heavy lifting
  • Long periods of sitting
  • Chronic diarrhea

Hemorrhoids are unlikely to go away on their own. Individuals may have periodic flare-ups of hemorrhoids or constant itching, bleeding and pain with them. Home remedies such as creams or ointments, diet changes, witch hazel, sitz baths and a variety of others do not remove hemorrhoids; they may help to eliminate the immediate symptoms. Removal of the hemorrhoid is the only actual solution.

We are providing a hemorrhoid banding procedure that removes hemorrhoids completely. Our practice has chosen the CRH O’Regan Hemorrhoid Removal System® that is fast, painless, non-surgical and very effective. The removal procedure is performed in our office, takes less than five minutes and has no downtime.

Ask your physician about hemorrhoid banding at your next visit or schedule an appointment specifically for this procedure and rid yourself of annoying and painful hemorrhoids. Many insurance plans cover hemorrhoid treatment.